To better assist you in locating your neighborhood sex-offenders, Texas Voices provides you with the following Sex Offender Location Map. We hope this helps you to better understand the climate of the sex-offender registration system as it exists today.
This Sex Offender Location Map is not affiliated with or endorsed by DPS.
Please remember to use this information responsibly.
This map only provides you with conceptual information pertaining to the overall sex-offender climate. For additional information on specific offenders, you may wish to try other available resources such as “heads-or-tails,” “pick-a-number,” “pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey,” or “guess-what-I’m-thinking-right-now.” However, we do not recommend using resources such as “spin-the-bottle” or “truth-or-dare” because the usage of these resources may result in your appearing on the map as well. You would then be represented by your own red dot on the map, which is the red dot right next to the other red dot right over there….
Map Legend
Teenage Lover = Red Dot
Public Urination = Red Dot
Sex Crime (rape, etc.) = Red Dot
Played Doctor = Red Dot
Mooned Passerby = Red Dot
Skinny Dipping = Red Dot
Anything and Everything Else = Red Dot