Grand Challenges: Social Justice and the Need for Evidence-based Sex Offender Registry Reform

Jill S Levenson from Barry University
Melissa D. Grady from Catholic University
George Leibowitz from School of Social Welfare
Stoney Brook University and State University of New York

Technical Report: The Effects of Living on the Registry – Experiences of Registrants and Family Members

Jennifer L. Klein, Ph.D. Department of Social Sciences University of Texas at Tyler
Danielle J.S. Bailey, Ph.D. Department of Social Sciences University of Texas at Tyler

Required Registration of “Online Identifiers”

Richard Gladden

The Efficacy of Severe Child Pornography Sentencing: Empirical Validity or Political Rhetoric?

Melissa Hamilton, University of Surrey School of Law

The Child Pornography Crusade and its Net Widening Effect

Melissa Hamilton, University of Surrey School of Law, Senior Lecturer of Law & Criminal Justice

Public Safety, Individual Liberty, and Suspect Science: Future Dangerousness Assessments and Sex Offender Laws

Melissa Hamilton, University of Surrey School of Law, Senior Lecturer of Law & Criminal Justice

Sentencing Adjudication: Lessons from Child Pornography Policy Nullification

Melissa Hamilton, University of Surrey School of Law, Senior Lecturer of Law & Criminal Justice

Prison-By-Default: Challenging the Federal Sentencing Policy’s Presumption of Incarceration

Melissa Hamilton, University of Surrey School of Law, Senior Lecturer of Law & Criminal Justice

Raised on the Registry: The Irreparable Harm of Placing Children on Sex Offender Registries in the US

A compelling and informative report by Human Rights Watch